Climbing and mountaineering is not risk-free. We cannot, want not and do not have to deny that. The risks of the sport can be reduced to an acceptable minimum with proper preparation and training.

Informing about the safe practice of climbing and mountaineering and providing training and courses is one of the core task of the ESAC. The ESAC does provide information, but will not explicitly tell you what you can and cannot do. That responsibility lies with the individual himself. A climber or mountain athlete who is responsible for his or her sport has a good dose of (self) knowledge, dares to turn around if something is too dangerous and is open to recommendations to make the sport safer.

However, if you see something happen that you think is not safe, then dare to talk to others about it. It is important for ESAC to know how safety is experienced within the association. If you have experienced a potentially dangerous situation, please let us know so that we can respond to this in the future. Let us know using [email protected] and [email protected].