If you drove to an ESAC weekend you can get a kilometer reimbursement.

<aside> 🚨 !!To get the kilometer reimbursement you should follow the following format, any other format will not be accepted and you willl not receive the reimbursement!!


How to get compensation for driving:

Step 1: The weekend

Drive to the climbing weekend

Step 2: After the weekend - Creating a route

Please do this in the following format, otherwise it will not be processed and you will NOT receive the reimbursement.

What should be included in the routes?

  1. A clear map of the route you drove

  2. A clear amount of kilometers you drove. If you had to pick up the car from somewhere else (e.g. your parents), you can also declare those kilometers driven.

    Use the web version of google maps, the app does not show the amount of kilometers

Upload the route you driven to and from the weekend (upload a maximum of 2 maps)

You can use two seperate maps: one to- and one from the weekend:

example maps:

heenweg uitleg kilometervergoeding.png

terugweg uitleg kilometervergoeding.png

OR use a combined map:

example map:

combined maps example.png

Step 3: After the weekend - Send your files

Send the maps with the routes to the klimco:

Daniel Conijn [email protected]